I am Yvette Wallace, a fully qualified and insured foot health practitioner and registered nurse.
I offer a mobile service to clients in the comfort of their homes in and around the Truro area.
07842 710097
All instruments are cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner before wrapping and sterilising at 134°C in an autoclave machine. This temperature ensures all microorganisms are killed putting patient safety at the forefront of my practice.
Our Services
- Nail trimming
- Corn removal
- Callus reduction
- Verruca advice
- Diabetic foot care – doppler and monofilament test
- Fungal infection advice
- Thick nail reduction
- Minor ingrowing toenail treatment
- £40.00 standard charge per visit – up to 1-hour treatment (2nd appointment may be necessary on assessment).

Diabetic Lower Limb Assessment
A Doppler test is used to detect blood flow. It shows whether a pulse is present and whether there is blood flow to a limb.
A monofilament can check sensation.

Corns and Calluses
By gently removing dried built-up skin your feet can feel soft and moisturised reducing annoying and painful heel cracks. Corn cores can be removed to reduce the risk of their return.

I can offer toenail trims, thick nail reduction, and ingrowing nail treatment and advice.

Fungal Infections
I can advise and treat fungal nail infections as well as athletes foot.

Energise your soles

Yvette Wallace BSc, Dip FH, MCFHP, MAFHP
07842 710097